Children Division ballet classes are appropriate for students' ages 3 - 14 years. Classes meet once per week throughout the year. Students ages 14 and up who are new to ballet are encouraged to begin their dance training in the BRT Academy Adult Open Division.
Fall classes begin August 5, 2024.
Pre-Ballet and Children's Modern classes are based upon the student’s age as of September 1, 2024.
Level A, B, and Men's classes are also based upon the student’s age as of September 1, 2024 but previous training is considered and placement is determined by the BRT Academy staff.
Students age nine and up and take at least twice a week also have the opportunity to audition to perform with BRT’s company in The Nutcracker.

Class Descriptions
Pre-Ballet (Ages 3-6 years): BRT’s Pre-Ballet classes are specially designed to provide children with a strong foundation in dance. It teaches the young dancer the basic elements of movement and dance: space and how to relate to it; locomotive skills; musicality; sequencing, patterns, and spatial relationships; opposites and directions; and elementary ballet positions. Integrated with these physical concepts are the intellectual concepts of creative expression, self‑awareness, imagination, and teamwork. Through class participation, students learn the basics of classroom behavior and manners, including how to take turns, following one another or leading the way, waiting patiently, working with others, and having a positive attitude.
Level A (Ages 6-9 years): At age 6, students move into a transitional level between early childhood classes and those for studying classical ballet, introducing classical ballet vocabulary. The Level A classes take the concepts learned in Pre-Ballet and begin to put them into the format used in an actual ballet class
Level B (Ages 8-14 years): At age 8, students are ready, both physically and mentally, to begin studying the disciplined and demanding art form of classical ballet. By committing to more classes per week the student is able to begin to seriously strengthen their commitment and physical strength. The BII level builds the foundation for acceptance into our Junior Division.
Children's Modern (Age 7 - 14 years): Modern dance technique helps dancers find their own quality of movement and core movement initiation with an emphasis on anatomical alignment and kinetic awareness of contemporary movement as well as assisting in the student’s expression through movement.
Men’s Ballet (Age 8 - 15 years): These classes cater to the young danseur and focuses on the basic technique of classical ballet with an emphasis toward developing the specific strengths needed as male dancers.
2024/2025 Class Schedule