Junior Division
Ages 10 + years
Junior Division classes are appropriate for students ages 10+ who have exhibited the technique and maturity to commit to the time and consistency of practice to build the skills for a strong technical foundation. A placement class is required for enrollment in all Junior Division classes.
Children Division classes are recommended for students ages 9-14 with little or no prior ballet experience. Students ages 14 and up who are new to ballet are encouraged to begin their dance training in the BRT Academy Adult Open Division.
Fall classes begin August 5, 2024.
Jr. Division students also have the opportunity to audition to perform with BRT’s company in The Nutcracker.

Class Descriptions
Level CI Required three classes/wk: This level is considered a pre-pointe class and provides an important core understanding of using the classical vocabulary to properly execute fundamental steps used in ballet. This creates a solid platform for the students to be ready to advance into pointe work; more advanced steps, and be prepared for the demands of the Pre-Professional Division. At this level cross training is important and the Modern I class is also part of the weekly class requirement.
Level CII Required four classes/wk: This level is considered a beginning pointe class. Whether in soft shoes or pointe shoes, every student will learn and execute the same basic pointe exercises that will carry them through the rest of their dancing years. Students are individually monitored, during which time the teacher will determine a student’s readiness for pointe shoes. When a student is ready for pointe shoes, their teacher will arrange to meet with the dancer and their parents at a dancewear store to ensure she receives the right style and size of shoes. At this level cross training is important and the Modern II class is also part of the weekly class requirement.
Modern I & II: Essential for serious ballet students, Modern dance technique helps dancers find their own quality of movement and core movement initiation with an emphasis on anatomical alignment and kinetic awareness of contemporary movement as well as assisting in the student’s expression through movement.
Pointe Shoes: To be considered for pointe shoes, students must be at least 11 years old, their growth plates in their feet fully fused, have had a minimum of 3 full years of classical ballet training, and currently be taking (at least) three classes a week. Proper strength and technical ability are required. Feet must be correctly placed in pointe shoes and aligned with the ankles and knees to avoid injury.
Men’s Ballet: These classes cater to the young danseur and focuses on the basic technique of classical ballet with an emphasis toward developing the specific strengths needed as male dancers.
Ballet Mat: Taught by Michelle Davis this class was originally intended for injured dancers but is used by anyone looking to build core strength in an artistic environment. It consists of ballet exercises adapted for non-weight bearing and is combined with Yoga and PT for a hybrid workout that will keep you fit even if injured and help reach greater levels of strength. For levels CI through Adults.
Level CI
Wednesday, Thursday
Modern I |
Tuesday |
4:45-5:45pm |
Level CII |
Tuesday |
5:45-7:15pm |
Modern II |
Thursday |
5:15-6:15pm |
Men’s Ballet II |
Friday |
4:30-5:30pm |
Ballet Mat online only |
Saturday |
9:45-10:30am |
BRT reserves the right to cancel any class that does not have five or more students.