Call or email for more details
(505) 888-1054
We are sending out updates via e-mail. If you have not received these messages please e-mail us at brt@brtnm.com.
Ballet Repertory Theatre of New Mexico was founded in 1989 and provides opportunities for dancers, teachers, and choreographers to work and pre-professional dancers to train...while promoting a greater understanding and appreciation of dance through high-quality performances and educational opportunities to the diverse population of New Mexico.
BRT_NM is a 501(c)3 nonprofit. All donations are tax exempt to the full extent of the law.
Find out more about supporting BRT_NM and join us in ballet’s grand expression of grace and beauty.
FALL Classes start August 5th
Call (505)888-1054 or email brt@brtnm.com for more information.
BRT will be closed
Sept. 2-3, 2024.