The most abiding legacy of any community is its arts. With the back to basics trend in education, the arts are systematically being cut out of the schools. Nothing is more basic however than the imagination. Imagination is what gives us the intellectual muscle to work through the problems of an increasingly complex world. The arts sharpen one's awareness of the riches of existence, transforming even mean streets into places of promise. The arts are both a private need and a public good. Dedicated to the development of dance and dancers in New Mexico, Ballet Repertory Theatre has been producing Children's Series performances, using highlighted versions of our ballet productions, at the KiMo Theatre since its inception. These hour-long performances are designed to introduce children to the magic of theatre and dance.

The goal of BRT’s Children’s Series is to introduce both the community to one of its local artistic and educational resources and children, as audience members, to the magic of theatre and dance. We believe that the involvement in the arts can have long-lasting, positive effects on their character. Audience members are stimulating their brains through their senses…hearing classical music, watching a professional production with colorful sets and costumes, and incorporating their experience back in the classroom through BRT's educational tools provided to attending classes.
Children's Series Sponsor
Sponsor one of these one-hour performances and receive 100 tickets for the school of your choice for only $1000. If you or your business would like to sponsor a school to attend please call our studio in Albuquerque at (505) 888-1054.