Donor Opportunities and Benefits
Ballet Repertory Theatre offers a variety of benefits for donors and sponsors of $50 up to $10,000 and beyond. Each contribution at every level makes a significant impact as you join us in ballet’s grand expression of grace and beauty.

Friend $50-$99
- Recognition in the Performance Playbills *
- Recognition on website
Dancer $100-$249
- In addition to Friend benefits, an Annual Recognition Card - includes a shopping discount: enjoy a 10% discount at the Ballet Boutique in the lobby during performances
Ballet Master $250-$499
- In addition to all Dancer benefits, an invitation to a studio rehearsal for you and your guest
Choreographer’s Circle $500-$999
- In addition to all Ballet Master benefits, behind the scenes tour at the historic KiMo Theatre before a selected performance
- Invitation to a special event
Director’s Circle $1,000-$1,999
- In addition to all Choreographer’s Circle benefits, a continuing invitation to attend final dress rehearsals
Performance Sponsor $2,000-$4,999
- In addition to all Director Circle benefits, two complimentary seats to a selected performance (subject to availability)
- Acknowledgment from the stage of your sponsored performance
Production Sponsor $5,000-$9,999
- In addition to all Performance Sponsor benefits, your logo included in selected marketing material
- Post performance reception
Season Sponsor $10,000 and above
- In addition to all Production Sponsor benefits, a Chamber Ballet Performance in your home or place of business for your friends and/or business associates
Experiencing the Ballet Sponsor $1,125
- Provide 50 tickets for non-profit youth groups (including their parents or chaperones) or other non-profit organizations to attend one of our full-length live performances
- Recognition in the Performance Playbill
- Recognition on website
- Acknowledgment from the stage
Children’s Series Sponsor $1,000
- Provide 150 tickets to Albuquerque Title One schools or other at risk day care centers as well as covering their transporation costs to attend one of our daytime Children’s Series performances
- Recognition in the Performance Playbill
- Recognition on website
- Acknowledgment from the stage
Consider designating your donation to a special program!
Experiencing the Ballet
- Your donation will help provide tickets for non-profit youth groups (including their parents or chaperones) and other non-profit organizations to attend one of our full-length live performances
Children’s Series
- Your donation will help provide tickets to Albuquerque Title One schools or other at risk day care centers as well as covering their transporation costs to attend one of our daytime Children’s Series performances
Pointe Shoe Fund
- Money designated for the Pointe Shoe Fund goes directly to defraying the cost of point shoes for our dancers.
Capital Campaign
- The goal of the first phase of the BRT’s Capital Campaign is to raise $10,000 to help with the costs incurred with the purchase of the building. The goal of the second phase is to raise $50,000 for building improvements.
Marley Fund
- As we strive to provide the best ballet training and facility for our dancers, a Marley Floor will enhance our studio-training space for all levels of dancers.
Scholarship Fund
- BRT is in the process of establishing a Scholarship Endowment Fund which will give the opportunity to BRT and, more importantly, future generations of dancers to continue the top-quality ballet that has been tradition with Ballet Repertory Theatre of New Mexico.
*Donations received after a certain date will be included in the next performance playbill.
** Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by the IRS.